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Jail Roster and Inmate Locator Search Online for Barney Buffington

We only show 10 results for Barney Buffington, Click Here to view ALL records.

# Name: Age: Address: Full Report:
1 Barney B 66 Blackburn, Saline, Missouri 65321 View Report
2 B Buffington 78 Glen Dale, Marshall, West Virginia 26038 View Report
3 Barney Buffington 54 Unionville, Tuscola, Michigan 48767 View Report
4 Barney B 34 Belle Fourche, Butte, South Dakota 57717 View Report
5 Barney B 71 Camargo, Montgomery, Kentucky 40353 View Report
6 Barney B 29 Lima, Adams, Illinois 62348 View Report
7 Barney Buffington 59 Campanilla, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 949 View Report
8 Barney Buffington 85 Milner, Lamar, Georgia 30257 View Report
9 Barney B 46 Jefferson City, Cole, Missouri 65102 View Report
10 Barney Buffington 42 Rochester, Oakland, Michigan 48308 View Report

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