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Jail Roster and Inmate Locator Search Online for Berta Waddell

We only show 13 results for Berta Waddell, Click Here to view ALL records.

# Name: Age: Address: Full Report:
1 Bert W 49 Mantee, Webster, Mississippi 39751 View Report
2 Bert W 62 La Cygne, Linn, Kansas 66040 View Report
3 B Waddell 66 Palatine Bridge, Montgomery, New York 13428 View Report
4 Bert W 58 Meadowlands, St. Louis, Minnesota 55765 View Report
5 Bert W 64 Gold Mountain, Plumas, California 96122 View Report
6 Berta Waddell 63 Arnold, Custer, Nebraska 69120 View Report
7 B Waddell 81 Cramerton, Gaston, North Carolina 28012 View Report
8 Bert Waddell 71 Watervliet, Berrien, Michigan 49098 View Report
9 Bert W 58 McMullen, Pickens, Alabama 35442 View Report
10 Bert Waddell 73 Citrus City, Hidalgo, Texas 78574 View Report
11 Berta Waddell 64 Dickson City, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania 18519 View Report
12 B Waddell 73 East Hampton North, Suffolk, New York 11937 View Report
13 Berta W 49 Millburg, Berrien, Michigan 49022 View Report

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